In 2017, CLVEN National House Corporation was created as a standalone entity to better support the growing need for housing from our chapters and replaced CLVEN, LLC. CLVEN, which stands for Causa Latet Vis Est Notissima, the Fraternity's open motto, was created to provide resources, guidance, and even funding to existing and new chapters and provisional chapters looking to improve their facility or secure housing for members. a subsidiary of Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity, Inc. In 2010, the Fraternity established CLVEN, LLC. They require, at minimum, a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Housing Corporations are self-governed by their local board of directors and by the corporation laws of the state in which they are located. This was primarily done to limit liability and risk to the Housing Corporation assets, primarily the chapter house. In the Strategic Plan 2005-2010, the duties of the Housing Corporation were clearly set out and limited to landlord status. Others have morphed into variations of a Housing Corporation/Association and others into Housing Corporations/Association/Chapter Council duties. Some strictly act as landlords, only interacting with the undergraduates on matters concerning the physical property. Over the years, the Housing Corporations have taken on many variations.

These chapter corporations evolved into what is known today as Housing Corporations. These were the first official organizations of alumni volunteers. With the advent of chapter housing to compete with other fraternities housing in the 1900s, Alpha Sigma Phi formed chapter corporations to own and manage the houses. It wasn't until the early 1900s that efforts began to build long term loyalty and alumni support. During the early decades of Alpha Sigma Phi's existence, the only efforts made to involve alumni were chapter-initiated annual Sig Busts and alumni reunions.