Money seems to come very easily and you may experience some luck, but again you should watch that this doesn’t make you feel complacent about everything just falling into place without attending to the necessary responsibilities. You may also have an opportunity to teach. You’re pleasant and outgoing in your interactions with others and enjoy stimulating discussions on important social or philosophical subjects. While you exude confidence and faith, you may also take too much for granted and need to avoid being lazy and unwilling to work on making your vision a reality. Your optimism is contagious and you’re such an effective salesperson that other people will find it hard to resist believing in your vision. Some more Interpretations of Transit Venus Trine Jupiter from our astrology reports and readings:

While today offers a pleasurable interlude, you can experience even greater satisfaction in giving to others your time as well as your resources. Have trust-especially in your friends and in what you love. Relax and enjoy the abundance of life you are in a period when the breaks should go your way. Because you mix well with others, social occasions are happy events. You attract people who appreciate and support you. The text below is the interpretation of Venus transit when Trine Jupiter Venus takes about 584 days to travel 360 Degrees in the Zodiac and the twelve houses. Venus's transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days.